Data & Privacy Notice

Terms of Service
Refund Policy
Data & Privacy Notice

Thank you for considering Impression Plug Branding Group LLC. To ensure compliance with the rules and regulations set forth by Visa and Mastercard, we have created the following terms and conditions for our marketing services.

Delivery Time: We provide a delivery time of up to 10 business days for our marketing services. We will make our best efforts to complete the delivery within this time frame. However, please note that delivery time may vary based on the complexity of the project and the workload of our team.

Service Agreement: Upon checkout, the customer is agreeing to receive our marketing services. This makes each completed transaction via website or terminal an official service agreement between the customer and our company.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellation requests should be submitted via text or email. Refunds will be returned within 72 hours pending your banking institution. Cancellation requests received after 5 days from the date of purchase will result in a 15% cancellation fee to compensate for the deletion of designs or campaigns initiated per request.

Please note that if we have already begun work on the project, the cancellation fee will be assessed to compensate for the work already completed.

Refund Policy: We offer a refund policy for our marketing services. Refunds will be returned within 72 hours pending your banking institution. Please note that the 15% cancellation fee will be deducted from the refund amount for cancellation requests received after 5 days from the date of purchase.

By using our marketing services, the customer acknowledges and agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in this document. We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Please check this page periodically for updates. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our terms and conditions, please contact us at 714-410-7402 or email [email protected].

Service Agreement: Upon checkout, the customer is agreeing to receive our marketing services. This makes each completed transaction via website or terminal an official service agreement between the customer and our company.

Cancellation Policy: Cancellation requests should be submitted via text or email. Refunds will be returned within 72 hours pending your banking institution. Cancellation requests received after 5 days from the date of purchase will result in a 15% cancellation fee to compensate for the deletion of designs or campaigns initiated per request.

Please note that if we have already begun work on the project, the cancellation fee will be assessed to compensate for the work already completed.

Refund Policy: We offer a refund policy for our marketing services. Refunds will be returned within 72 hours pending your banking institution. Please note that the 15% cancellation fee will be deducted from the refund amount for cancellation requests received after 5 days from the date of purchase.


At Impression Plug Branding Group LLC., we take data and privacy protection very seriously. We are committed to safeguarding the personal information provided by our customers and complying with all applicable data protection laws.

Collection and Use of Personal Data: We collect personal data from our customers to provide our marketing services. This includes but is not limited to, names, email addresses, phone numbers, and other relevant contact information. We may also collect other data such as IP addresses, browsing history, and social media activity to improve our services and better understand our customers' needs.

We do not share or sell any personal data provided by our customers to third parties for any reason unless required by law. Any sensitive data collected during the provision of our services will be deleted immediately upon completion of the services, and not stored for longer than 90 days, unless explicitly permitted or required by law.

Security and Protection of Personal Data: We take reasonable measures to ensure the security and protection of the personal data we collect. Our team is trained in data protection best practices, and we use industry-standard security measures to protect against unauthorized access, theft, or loss of personal data. Any breaches or incidents involving personal data will be reported to the relevant authorities as required by law and to the affected individuals.

Data Subject Rights: Our customers have the right to access, modify, and delete their personal data at any time. They can request access to their data, object to its processing, or request its deletion by contacting us at [contact information]. We will respond to such requests within 30 days.

Updates to the Privacy Statement: We reserve the right to update this privacy statement at any time to reflect changes in our data protection practices or to comply with applicable laws and regulations. Any changes to this statement will be posted on our website, and customers will be notified of significant changes.

By using our services, customers acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this statement. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our data and privacy protection practices, please contact us at [contact information].