The Surge Every
Business needs.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or your business has dropped in traffic; aiming to establish a strong online presence is going to be key.  The Surge Campaign by Impression PLUG, a comprehensive marketing solution designed to propel your brand to new heights. We understand the challenges you face when building a presence online, which is why we’ve crafted a tailored package that combines essential elements like web design, video creation, blogging, SEO optimization, Google Maps setup, and light PR. With the Surge Campaign, you can transform your business into a digital powerhouse that captures the attention of your target audience and drives meaningful engagement.

SURGE Campaign by Impression Plug Marketing

Surge Campaign Features

Create a E-commerce or traditional design. A landing page for your ultimate goal, to gain and manage new clients. 

Create an inspiring company video that expresses your brand and products. We like our videos to have call to actions that will help clients take action.

Once your beautiful new landing page is created; its time to optimize for Google. Some of this process happens while designing. We use onsite SEO methods to help the algorithm recommend your site to answer local search queries.

In addition to Google optimization, we will create a press release to publish on different platforms to increase brand awareness. Your new product line or latest discount offer in an profession online blast to your specific audience.


Web design is at the heart of every successful online venture, and our expert team is ready to craft a stunning and user-friendly website that reflects your brand's unique identity. We'll ensure your website not only looks visually appealing but also offers a seamless browsing experience across devices, converting visitors into loyal customers. If you need a shelf online for your products we'll customize your E-commerce shop site to increase sales! Additionally, our professional video creation services will help you tell your brand story in a compelling and visually captivating way, engaging your audience and leaving a lasting impression.

To maximize your online visibility, our Surge Campaign includes comprehensive SEO optimization. We'll employ proven strategies to enhance your website's search engine rankings, driving organic traffic and boosting your online visibility. Moreover, we'll set up your business on Google Maps, allowing potential customers to easily find and connect with you, increasing foot traffic and generating leads. Our team will also provide light PR support, crafting press releases and distributing them strategically to generate positive media coverage and increase brand awareness.

The Surge Campaign is your all-in-one solution to kickstart your online journey and accelerate your business growth. Our dedicated team of marketing experts will guide you through the process, ensuring every aspect of your online presence is optimized for success. Don't wait any longer—contact us today and let the Surge Campaign propel your business to new heights and more importantly help your next client Plug In!